Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha
Changsha, China
Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha

88 Bayi Road, Changsha, China
Ranking: Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha is ranked 81st out of 279 accommodation options available in Changsha.
Classification: 4 Star Hotel
The Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha is located within the center of the city, offering travelers easy access to all that is on offer. There are many attractions within walking distance, making this one of the more convenient hotels in Changsha. There are many sites within close reach of the hotel. The international airport is located about 30 minutes away from the Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha. Rental cars and public transit systems are both able to offer travelers easy access to the airport as well as to local Changsha attractions. Each of the guestrooms at the four star Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha is packed with amenities. All 228 rooms offer luxurious amenities for guests to enjoy. All rooms also include private en-suite bathrooms. Guests of the Hunan Furama Hotel Changsha will find shopping, dining, and leisure choices throughout the city. The hotel offers multiple restaurants as well as a karaoke bar. Onsite amenities include a pool, a salon, a bowling alley, a health club, a sauna, and a shopping are.